The founding members of the World Society who have gathered in New Orleans for the First Worldwide Congress on Mixed Jurisdictions—Convinced that our understanding of mixed jurisdictions will be enriched by international collaboration and that comparative research should be encouraged at an international level; and Believing further that an international organization should exist to foster closer ties, promote esprit de corps, hold international meetings, and assist programmes of comparative research; Now adopt and set forth the Statutes of the World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists:
1. The World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists is an association constituted, in accordance with the laws of Louisiana and the United States, for an unspecified length of time. It is domiciled in New Orleans.
2. The purpose of the Society is the study and advancement of mixed legal systems. The Society will be operated exclusively for scientific, literary and educational purposes.
3. The Society pursues these objectives through:
a. Congresses, meetings and occasional sessions;
b. Publications;
c. Co-operation with similar institutions;
d. All other legal means.
4. The Society’s resources consist of:
a. Annual fees from Institutional and Associate members;
b. Revenues from the sale of publications;
c. Gifts and legacies;
d. Eventual grants.
5. Each Institutional member and each Associate member of the Society pays an annual fee, in accordance with a fee structure which is determined by the Executive Committee of the Society. The fee structure may take into account different economic circumstances of institutions and individuals. The Treasurer is responsible for the collection of fees.
6. The Society is composed of legal institutions of higher learning and research (Institutional Members) and highly qualified physical persons (Associate Members), regardless of country of origin, desirous of working toward the study and advancement of mixed legal systems. Associate members seventy-five years and older may, if they wish, choose to be honorary members, in which case they are exempt from fees, and can only play a consulting role in Society meetings.
7. The initial Institutional Members of the Society are those law faculties and law institutes which cosponsored the first Worldwide Congress on Mixed Jurisdictions in New Orleans in November 2002. Additional Institutional members may be admitted in accordance with paragraph eight. The Institutional members have no vote as such, but are entitled to appoint two delegates to represent the interests of the Institution. The appointed delegates may vote on all matters at all meetings, and may generally, during the time of their appointment, exercise all rights and privileges of Associate members.
8. Candidates for election to the Society are proposed by the Associate members and by delegates appointed by the Institutional members. Election is made by a majority of Associate members and delegates at a General Meeting. Any Institutional or Associate member who fails to pay the annual fee within a year of demand ceases automatically to be a member of the World Society.
9. Neither the Institutional nor the Associate membership is limited in number.
10. Once every four years, or at greater intervals if the Executive Committee so decides, the Society holds a World Congress on Mixed Jurisdictions in a place decided upon by the Society. At least two years before the Congress, the Society obtains the co-operation of experts from different countries to outline the programme of the Congress.
11. The Society is represented, administered, and managed by an Executive Committee made up of a Presi-dent, three to five Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and a General Secretary. The Society may also be represented by the President or the General Secretary. The members of the Executive Committee are elected and dismissed from office by the General Meeting, which also determines the number of Vice-Presidents. A General Meeting is a meeting of the membership convened at a World Congress of the Society, or otherwise. An Executive Meeting is a meeting of the Executive Committee which is held at intermittent times. The members of the Executive Committee are elected for a period of four years, or until the next General Meeting of the membership at a World Congress, and are eligible for re-election. The names of persons proposed for election or re-election are forwarded by the General Secretary to all Associate members and Institutional delegates at least one month before elections at a General Meeting, though this requirement does not apply in the case of the first General Meeting The Executive Committee is authorized to acquire, dispose of and hypothecate property and to enter into contracts by which the Society binds itself as surety or solidary debtor, assumes an undertaking for another or acts as guarantor for the debts of third parties. The Executive Committee is authorized to incorporate the Society as a non-profit corporation and to seek tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code of the United States.
12. The President or the General Secretary convenes all Executive Meetings at least one month in advance, and all General Meetings at least two years in advance. The meetings decide questions presented by a majority of members voting. At meetings, members may be represented by another member when such representation is authorized in writing. Voting by correspondence, telex, telegram, email or fax is allowed.
13. The President of the Society presides over the meetings of the Society and decides upon questions of procedure. In his absence, the most senior Vice-President present will take his place. If there is no vicepresident, the Society shall designate a president for the occasion.
14. The General Secretary is responsible for the scientific programme of the Society. He oversees the administrative operation of the Society. He supervises the publication of the Society’s Acts and Proceedings. The General Secretary may delegate a part of his responsibilities to a person approved by the Executive
15. The Treasurer is responsible for the Society’s financial affairs. He receives and makes payments on behalf of the Society. The sums received for the Society are deposited in the Society’s account in the bank or banks approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer may invest these sums. The Treasurer submits each year annual accounts for approval by the Executive Committee and an endof- period statement for approval by the General meeting. The Treasurer may, with the Executive Committee’s approval, delegate a part of his functions to another member of the executive Committee. In case of temporary absence or termination of mandate, the Treasurer’s functions will be temporarily assumed by a member of the Executive Committee named by the Committee for this purpose.
16. The Executive Committee, acting on proposals from the General Secretary, may draw up by-laws for the Society.
17. The present Statutes may be modified by a majority of two thirds of the Associate members and Institutional delegates voting at a General Meeting. The same majority is required for any decision concerning the dissolution of the Society. In such case of dissolution, the resolution pertaining to this decision shall determine the devolution of the surplus assets.